Happy Birthday Addie Claire!
We went to The Wonderplace first. She loved walking around touching everything. She loved the River Market the best because you could pick up and play with all the toy food. And of course, where did that toy food go - to the mouth of course! Thank Goodness for the icky bucket! In all honesty, we know that Addie Claire had a great time - but we had a great time too!
For lunch, we hit Chuck E. Cheese! She loved, loved, loved riding on the electric car things! (Don't know what they are really called) She got mad everytime we tried to take her off! She ate one whole piece of pizza by herself! She loved it!! I thought that she would be scared of the talking characters that sing and dance - but she wrinkled up her nose, pointed and laughed! Sweet baby girl!!!
That night - at around 4:06pm - the actual time she was born (we're not sentimental......I swear! :) ) she had cake and ice cream. At her birthday party she had a lot of pratice, but this time she decided to use a different technique....face first! The pictures speak for themselves!We had a great family day!I hope that you enjoy the pictures!Love,Jessica
And....we love ice cream too!
Addie Claire,
I hope that one day when you read this you will understand how much your daddy and I love you! You have brought so much joy to our lives. We honestly couldn't image life without you. I find it so hard to believe that you are one year old. I can remember bringing you home from the hospital, filled with such emotion. You are the sweetest, most beautiful little girl I know! I know that you have so much ahead of you in life and that you will make this world a better place! I love you more that you will ever ever ever know!!!! Always believe in yourself and know that your daddy and I are there behind you 100 %!
Love, Mommy
1 comment:
What a fun day! Cute pictures! I especially love the cake pictures.
We always take the day off from work for our kids' birthdays and do something special too. However, this year, both birthdays are on Saturday, which is perfect.
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