I must brag on my little sweet pea! My goals for this summer where #1 for Addie Claire to start sleeping in her own bed & #2 for her to start drinking from a cup and not a bottle. Well, let's say that we have done about 1 1/2 of those things! On Sunday we decided that that was the day! (Why Sunday, I have no idea?) But we put her in her bed for naptime, she cried about 15 minutes and was out! Don and I were so pumped - we were high-fiving in the hallway! She slept about 45 minutes and was awake! We were so proud of her and let her know it too!!! That night when we left Paige and Brandon's house about 9pm we brought her home, put her in her bed, and after only 5 minutes of crying she was out and slept until 8:30 the next morning. She did wake up once - I gave her a bottle and back to sleep she was - I didn't even take her out of her bed! YEA ME!!! So, today is Thursday and each night has gotten better with less and less crying. In fact, today she told me "ni-ni" we went to lay down and she layed down and didn't even cry! Yes, ladies and gentlemen....we have a big girl!!! Finally!
Playing Outside with Daddy
We took Addie Claire in the backyard the other day and let her just run! She loved it! She played and played and played! It's so hard to believe that my baby is old enough to run and play in our yard! She is such a big girl! Daddy loved watching her run and of course he loved playing with her. She has lots of toys in the backyard and he has been waiting for the day to let her play with them. He tried to teach her how to kick a ball, but all she wanted to do is pick it up and carry it around. She loves to collect things and carry them all around. She cracks me up! We also took her in the front yard to get some pictures of her with my day lillies. They are blooming and look awesome. And yes Paige, my flowerbed has been weeded and looks a lot better now! She would not sit still! We have a neighborhood kitty (really it lives at Mrs. Paige's house) but Addie Claire spotted kitty and took off after it! She loves that thing.

Hope you enjoy! LOVE, Jessica
Way to go, Addie! Keep up the good work!
Cute Daddy/Daughter pictures too!
wooohoo! I'm so proud of you guys! you have really been doing a great job. Yes please send Don down my way to weed the flowers. thank you and goodnight!
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