Beth came to get us and we went back with Santa! She had the cutest backgroud. Santa was sitting in a big chair with a fireplace going and a tree, the typical all-american setting. So, I handed Addie to Santa and the first thing she did was grab for was his beard! She almost pulled it off!!! Poor Santa! We kept pulling her hands out of Santa's beard which really made her mad....because who doesn't want to play with Santa's beard? Beth got some good shots....until....Addie decided to throw a huge fit!! She was hungry. AHHH! So I gave Santa a bottle and he fed Addie on his lap! Even though, it wasn't going as precious is a picture of Santa feeding a baby!!! So we yanked the bottle away, as she was kicking off her shoes...and Don, Beth and I were practically standing on our heads to make her smile! We did get a couple of good I know the pictures will be great! I can't wait to see them!!! As soon as we got in the car, the fit was over and Addie was all smiles....go figure!!!! Maybe next year with Santa will go a little more smoothly.....or maybe not!!!
While I was getting ready, Don took some pictures of Addie in her Christmas dress. Here they are....
Addison's favorite thing to do....stand!!!!!
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