Thursday, December 18, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my front tooth...

Well, Miss Addie Claire now is the proud owner of a shiny new tooth! She has been teething for a while now, chewing on everything, and Friday was the BIG discovery! I picked her up from daycare last Friday and we were playing on the floor. Of course, being curious...I stuck my finger in her mouth to feel around. (This is something that I do regularly now) And...there it was!!! I was so excited!! I yelled for Don to come and feel it - to make sure I wasn't imagining things. You should have seen his face. He put his finger in her mouth and felt around with a not sure look...then all of a sudden, he got a huge smile on his face....he had found that new little tooth! We were all sitting in the floor smiling, even she was so proud of herself. It's bittersweet though, because even though my little girl is getting to be a "big girl" it means that she is not my little baby anymore! :(

I tried to get some pictures of that shiny new tooth....but of course she wouldn't let me! I'll keep trying!

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