Ok....so I did say in previous blogs that I was going to try to blog at least once a week...but as you can see....I haven't upheld that promise. Things have been so busy!!!! But today is a "me" day so I am getting caught up! I took Addie to daycare for a bit and Don is off at work...and the house is quiet!!! WHOOHOO!!!!
Valentine's Day!
Addie loved Valentine's Day! She especially love the balloon that one of my students got me...she played with that thing forever!!! She tried to put it in her mouth, but of course that failed! Eventually we had to say "goodbye" to the balloon!
So, here are some pictures of my Angel Baby on V-Day!!!

Who doesn't love slobber kisses?

These eyes....are what melts our hearts!!
(love the outfit Aunt Tiffany!)

Look who learned to hold their own bottle!

Addie Claire is growing up! She has learned to hold her own bottle! Which makes me sad...but don't worry she still likes us to hold it most of the time...which is fine with me! I still like getting her to sleep.....and so does her daddy!
Addie in her "big" girl stroller!

Addie loves to be outside! She likes to look around at everything and I think she just enjoys the fresh air...which is a good thing since we take her almost everyday when Don and I go walk! She just loves it!!!:) These pictures were taken the first time that she rode in her big girl stoller...which is just adorable! She kicks her legs and "talks" while we push her! She still likes her other stoller at the moment because we can hook all kinds of toys to it to keep her entertained on our 3 mile walk!
Holy Guacamole....and Ketchup!
Miss Addie Claire has a new favorite food....Guacamole! The other day we went to our favorite Mexican Restuarant and she just kept reaching for the bowl...she I gave her some and she LOVED it!! I was so surprised....but again, that is the only thing that I wanted to eat when I was pregnant....well that and cupcakes! :)
She also is a big fan of ketchup!! I can see her now when she gets older dipping her little chicken nuggets in ketchup. LOL!

A Mi Rachito special....I think she should be on the Menu!

Addie's New Ride
Addison got a new "car" for Chistmas from Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Tim. We just thought that she was big enough for it, so we broke it out of the box. She loves it....she sits on it like a pro! Daddy pushes her around on it....but sometimes she falls off...which scares mommy to death! She laughes and gets back on! She loves to look at it from a far too!
How precious is she??
A Day in the Yard!
Addison helped Mommy and Daddy rake the leaves this past weekend! She loves being outside and she loves playing in the leaves!!! She wanted to keep playing but mean mommy made her get out!!! She will be a big help when she gets older!!! :)

So....here is the month of February!!! I will do better next time I promise!!! Aunt Charlotte....hope you love the picture of Addison that we say looks just like you!!!
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