Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Addie's Ears

Just wanted to update everyone that reads that Miss Addie Claire will be having tubes placed in her ears next week - Feb 3rd. We are to be at the ENTdr at 6:45am and the procedure is to begin at about 7 - 7:15am. "Uncle" Jeff ( Lindsey's husband) reassures us that it will only take a couple of minutes and the procedure will be over with! He says that we will barely make it back out to the waiting room and everything will be done. Everyone says the same I hope they are all right! The hard thing will be that she can not eat or drink anything after midnight - so no bottles! I think I may wake her up at 11:30 and feed her so this won't be so hard for her and me!!! I am really nervous about my poor little baby but I know that she will feel so much better once everything is over!! 5 ear infections in 7 months is not good!!! So Tuesday is the big day for my little girl! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
This is the 1st blog without pictures! I will post some of our little growing weed soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Addison's 1st Basketball Game

About a week ago, I took Addie to her 1st Basketball game. My friend Tammy's daughter plays 5th grade ball at Harmony Grove. My friends Lindsey and Brooke went along to show their support for little Tori. The game was a "nail biter" as Aunt Lindsey would say with a big score of 2 - 3! WOW! Addie loved it though, except when we screamed for the players - that sent her into a total fit but she bounced back quick. She is just like me, very nosey! In fact growing up I was always called Virginia Abbott because my grandma was nosey so now that is what we call Addie...V.A.! I suppose it will be a family tradition passed down for many generations to come!

Addie wore her "this little piggy cheers for the Razorbacks" shirt that I had made for her daddy for Christmas. I know that we were not watching Razorback basketball but it said "cheers" on it so it thought that it was sports event worthy.

Here are some pictures of my precious Angel Baby! She did have a big red bow on with this outfit but pulled it off and threw it on the ground!!! AHHH That girl!

Addie could not take her eyes off of the court or the nice old man behind us that kept talking to her! She is so into people, my little V.A.!

Christmas Catch Up

Catch up Time! Well, things have been really busy around the Pilkington household. I have not been a good blogger since the holidays and I promised that I would get some holidays pictures up! So here they are!!!
Before Christmas I blogged about Addie Claire's two front teeth. Don and I tried to get a picture of them for a long time but we couldn't. Finally she was all smiles one day and we snapped a picture of them with that wide open mouth. **She was not harmed in the taking of this picture.**
Christmas Time at the Pilkingtons
We went to Christmas Eve mass at Marylake like we always do. Here are some pictures from before we left.

Christmas Eve night Santa came and left lots of presents for Addie Claire!
Christmas Morning started at 5:20am and lastest all day! We opened presents together as a family Christmas morning. It was great to see little Addie Claire opening her gifts, of course she loved the paper and bows the best!

Christmas Morning everyone came over for our 1st annual Christmas breakfast. We had lots of yummy food!! :0 Can't wait to do it next year.

Christmas at Grandma and Paw Paw Pilkington's house!

All in all, Christmas was wonderful. We had a lot of fun this year with Addie Claire! I can't believe that it is over - but next year will be a lot of fun! :) We were worn out from our busy day and crashed that night!

Addison Claire ~ 7 months

This morning I was getting Addie Claire ready for daycare and thought that she looked too cute! She loves the remote these days and put one out of commission with all the slober! She was sitting on the floor this morning playing with the remote, her favorite toy, and I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity for a photo shoot! So here is my little princess - 7 months old.