Yesterday Addie and I spent the day together since I was off of work. We had a great time! First we went to the Dr. to get a checkup because she has had a very bad cough. We came out with the diagnosis that the cough was fine BUT she had an ear infection. She must be a really good baby because I would have never thought that. She has been acting like she is feeling great and drinks her bottles fine. In fact, she has gotten to where she loves to be awake most of the time and fights sleep something awful. Anyway, after the appointment we took our prescription to get filled and visited daddy at his work for lunch. Everyone was so glad to see her. We got to see all of daddy's friends, even "uncle" Keith! When we came home it was time for Addie's lunch. I decided that green beans looked good for the menu. Apparently, green beans are not a favorite on Addie's menu. She is still not a good eater....but she wouldn't hardly touch this. It was everywhere. Below are some pictures I thought were cute. I can't believe my baby is 5 months old....she is growing so fast.

We are also learning how to hold our own bottle. She grasps things all the time and straight to the mouth EVERYTHING goes! So, I let her just have at it yesterday with a juice bottle. She did pretty good except for holding it straight up. I think with a little more practice we will be doing great.

We are off to see Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Tim for the weekend. I will post pictures of that trip when we return! Love to all, Jess