So let me update you on Addie Claire....
she is now 10 months old! Which I can't believe! It seems just like yesterday that she was born and Don and I were ooohing and ahhhing all over her! We still do! She is absolutely amazing! She is doing so much now. She is a pro-crawler and I mean PRO! She gets where she wants to go FAST! Within the last couple of weeks, she has started walking along the edges of the furniture. She is getting braver and has taken a couple of steps to Don and I. Sometimes she lets go and stands by herself (without knowing) but quickly falls or grabs back onto the nearest furniture. I predict that she will be walking by her birthday - which is only two months away!! :( She has 4 teeth that have completely come in and now her two top teeth are breaking through, which puts us at a grand total of 6! She still hates, and I mean HATES baby food! She loves "big" people food! She eats mashed potatos, fried rice, guacamole, ketchup, cheetos, puffs, carrots, etc... pretty much anything that we eat and can mash up! :)
This weekend was her 1st Easter. She had fun dying eggs with Daddy and I. We had a big weekend! Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Tim came to visit. We spent time with them on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Saturday afternoon Don and I decided to take her to Garvan Woodland Gardens to take some pictures for Easter. The turned out precious....but then again, do you expect anything less?
Here they some random shots from Easter day! I promise to update more later!
Addison @ Garvan Woodland Gardens - April 2009
Easter Egg Dying with Mommy and Daddy!
Eating the Candy the Easter Bunny left with Daddy!